IGN has posted a huge reveal this afternoon! No doubt in part to drum up excitement for Hasbro Pulse's event on Friday, the news site has posted images and product descriptions of Kingdom Galvatron, Scorponok and the long rumored Titan Class Ark (complete with a homage to the Last Autobot and Action Master Mainframe!). Check out the product photos from IGN (extracted by Daim Choc Reports) below (I will try to add Scorponok photos later):

According to IGN, all three figures will be available starting July 1. They will be up for pre-order on April 9. Galvatron's MSRP is $49.99 (Leader Class), Scorponok is $22.99 (Deluxe Class) and Autobot Ark is priced at $149.99 (Titan Class).
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