Transformers: War for Cybertron Kingdom is the latest chapter in the War for Cybertron trilogy of action figures and Netflix's animated series. While the toys have been hitting shelves for months now, the new season of the Netflix show does not debut until July (along with Wave 3 of the toy line). With that in mind, Hasbro has sent out a complimentary promotional box focused on Kingdom. The items inside include:
- Issue #1 of the IDW Publishing Beast Wars Transformers comic book
- A 25th Anniversary Edition of the Shout! Factory Beast Wars DVDs
- Four prints on card stock featuring Kingdom concept art from the upcoming Netflix season
- Kingdom Deluxe Class Airazor and Ractonite
- Netflix Deluxe Class Cheetor and Deeseus Army Drone
The box also features some beautiful designs including drawings that look like they are from ancient cave drawings. These include a "Golden Disk" drawing on the back of the box.
Ben's World of Transformers thanks Hasbro for its generosity and support in sending this box. Enjoy a gallery of the box and its contents below!
Lightbox Gallery